Did you know that there are specific color tones and wardrobe proportions that complement you and make you look vibrant?
That there is actually a science behind these fashion elements that make dressing easier?
Really understanding your “best” colors, your body proportions and the wardrobe style that fits your personality and lifestyle is a game changer.
This is what I learned when I hired Fernanda Vazquez (www.nyccolorandstyle.com) for my own color and style analysis.
Fernanda provides a wonderful service that teaches her clients how to dress to look their best.
As I am approaching 50 this year, this new knowledge will give me the power to feel confident in my choices. And she provides supporting materials so I can continue to make fashion choices where I feel pretty and I feel empowered on my own.
What a gift to give yourself!
As they say, knowledge is power.
Thank you Fernanda Vazquez!
And I was SO thrilled I was able to come back and photograph your new branding images so that other people can learn how it feels and looks to work with you.